Archive for April, 2019

Emergency Eyewash
April 5, 2019

I feel like giving the context will only make this post more entertaining.  We decided to move forward with our home renovation.  Things got dusty so we thought it best to move out…. Fortunately we have incredibly generous friends who offered their home to us!  They purchased a new home and had not yet sold their old house so we eagerly accepted the offer.  In true Clampett style, we loaded up the boys, our clothes, kitchen supplies (it was empty, remember), groceries, a stroller, a modem, backpacks, toys, dog, dog food, dog supplies, Jeff (Bo’s fish), everyone’s pillow, bedding, air mattresses, towels, toiletries…. you get the idea.  We got away at about 8:00pm the night before our exterior wall was demo-ed.  Needless to say, when we finally got to their house, we were tired but relieved.  Come to find out, huge empty houses are the things kids dream of.  The boys were exploring every nook and cranny and scream-yelling everything they found.  At one point Max said “hey they converted one of their toilets into a sink!”

“I’m sorry, what did you say?”  I found myself face to face


with a bidet.  If there is anything that could top off exploring an empty house, it is finding a gadget that cleans your rear.  Especially if you’re between the ages of 8 and 10.  I don’t like to miss a chance at being world’s coolest boy mom, so I decided to show these kids that I knew how to operate this dream gadget.  

Just when they thought things couldn’t get better… “Check this out!”  I leaned over the bidet (see also Old Faithful) and received an emergency eyewash type blast to the face.